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President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)

iReach is an official certifying organization for the President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). 

The PVSA is a civil award bestowed by the President of the United States to certain individuals or groups that have accumulated a certain amount of volunteer hours. It is a highly recognized national honor given to dedicated and outstanding volunteers throughout the country. 

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PVSA Eligibility

To apply for the PVSA, volunteers must be a U.S. citizen or a lawfully admitted permanent resident of the U.S. Volunteers who have reached the volunteer service hour criteria in the table below over a 12 month period are eligible to apply for the PVSA. At least 30 of the total volunteer hours must done through iReach in order to apply through our organization.

PVSA Application Criteria

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 PVSA Winners 2022-2023

Making Change Possible

Silver Winners: Audrey Zhang, Zhenrui Gu.
Gold Winners: Jena Lee, Surie Feng, Lynn Yao, Owen Zhou, Sarah Li, Joanna Dong, Kevin Chen, Marina Braggio, Sophia Lin, Frank Liu, Kevin Meng, Ziyi Wang, Daniel Yang, Angela Chen, Miranda Gu.


PVSA Winners 2021-2022

Bronze winners: Sameer Godbole, Katherine Li, Yin Chi Lee, Ngani (Annie) Li, Yulong Huan                                                Silver winners: Lynn Yao, Kevin Meng, Xinyun He                                                                                                                Gold winners: Ximo Liu, Joanna Dong, Sophia Zhang, Daniel Yang

                     ZiYi Wang, Kevin Chen, Sophia Lin, Aidan Lin

                     Emma zhang, Allison Yuan, Tyler Wang

PVSA Winners 2020 - 2021

Bronze winners: Michael Meng, Katherine Li, Grace Yawen Zhang, Ryan Deng, Emma Yuhan Zhang,

Riya Gaur,  Kassia Crouse.

Silver winners: Allison Yuan, Justin Xu.

Gold winners: Ziyi(Wing) Wang, Si Ham Sophia Zhang, Daniel Yang, Elizabeth Ovelil, Aidan Lucas Lin, Sophia Lin, Ximo(Frank) Liu, Ngani Li, Joanna Dong.

To learn more about the PVSA and how you can apply for it, reach out to us at

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